Fly Advantages & Recommendations

Fly Advantages and Recommendations

Looking for the best way to protect your wall tent or canvas tent? Look no further than a fly! Wall tents and canvas tents are excellent for camping, hunting, and outdoor adventures, but they need protection from the elements to keep them in top shape.

A fly is a recommended accessory for all wall tents, providing a moisture barrier and protecting the canvas roof from UV rays. It also helps to keep the canvas roof clean and prevents sparks from burning holes in the canvas. In addition, a fly provides insulation value, keeps tree pitch and tar off the roof, and overhangs the side walls by one foot, taking snow and water away from your side walls.

If you plan on leaving your tent set up for an extended period of time, it's important to use a fly to avoid water collecting on the roof and causing an "eave trough." The canvas should be tight on the frame, and the fly should be tight to avoid water in the eave trough. Otherwise, the canvas may rot and mildew regardless of water mildew protection applied.

There are thousands of needle holes in the roof of your tent, and while most will close up when exposed to water, some may not. To avoid surprise leaks during hunting camp, it's best to purchase a fly or a heavy-duty poly tarp.

Extended flys are also available with an 8-foot extension to the front, providing even more protection and coverage for your wall tent or canvas tent.

If you need assistance or more information on purchasing a fly for your wall tent, feel free to call us for guidance. Protect your investment and enjoy the great outdoors with a durable, high-quality fly for your canvas tent or wall tent.

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